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18 Pics Of Cats Reacting To Salad That Prove Cats Are Our Spirit Animals

Unlike dogs and other omnivores, cats are true strict carnivores. Cats have a higher protein requirement than many other mammals to meet their nutritional needs by eating other animals. They cannot get enough nutrition from plant foods. Without a stable supply of these nutrients, your cat may deal with lots of difficulties: skin irritation or hearing loss, as well as liver or heart problems. As many cat owners will be aware, domesticated cats still have carnivorous hunting instincts. This is why they may bring home mice or birds in addition to being fed a diet of cat food.

Daniella Dos Santos, the president of the British Veterinary Association, told BBC Future: “cats are obligate carnivores. They require certain amounts of amino acids to be healthy, and the lack of these can lead to health problems.”

There are 2 most important nutritional factors a cat will ever need to be a healthy one according to ASPCA – The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals:

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Taurine is an essential amino acid (a building block of protein) in cats. Taurine is only found in meat, milk, and other animal origins where it can’t be received from a plant source. Taurine can be synthesized in humans and dogs, but cats need so many sources directly from animal foods. Cats that are fed vegetarian food often suffer from taurine deficiency because the diet does not provide them with the essential amino acids.

Cats need foods high in protein. Plants just don’t have enough high-quality digestible protein to meet your cat’s dietary requirements. As we can relate, protein plays a role to produce good and healthy hair, cats need a huge portion of protein to maintain their beautiful silky fur as well.

These 18 funny edited photos by a humor site called sadanduseless will be the warnings for those who want to turn your domestic cat into a vegetarian. They combined some highlighted grumpy cats on the Internet with some colorful bowls of salad for kindly remind you of not forcing cats to be like human.

More info: (h/t: defused)

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