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Cat Sleeping In Corner Inspires Hilarious Photoshop Battle

Sleeping is one of the vital activities that a cat can spend in a whole day. No one can deny that when a cat taking naps is when they are the cutest, we also have the word ‘catnap’ as a human’s tribute. Cats can prolong their precious sleep up to 20 hours, and the rest 4 hours are to be pampered by their cat moms/dads.

So, not to let the chance slip out of the hand, a cat owner posted a sleepy kitty leaning the back in the corner that went viral on the Internet. Seems like anybody can relate it to the picture, and a flood of edited hilarious photos exploded. Some people see the cat is fed up with life, some others invite the kitty buddy to a beer gathering but he is falling asleep. How does this purrfect sleeping pose relate to you? Show us your brilliant ideas in the comment section!

(h/t: pawsplanet)

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