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Giant Hyper-Realistic 3D Cat Billboard Appears In Tokyo, Mesmerizes The Passersby

Japan is known as having a beyond technology just like they are living in the future with the current world. Japanese people are incredibly intelligent and creative, they love to think out of the box. This time, in the middle of the hustle and bustle pace of life of Tokyo, a hyper-realistic, gigantic cat has popped out of the box (I mean, literally a box) in the Shinjuku district. This creative idea belongs to Cross Shinjuku Vision, an advertising space, where a lot of busy people are passing by but not everyone notices.

More info: | Twitter (h/t: boredpanda)

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Recently, a hyper-realistic 3D cat has appeared on a billboard in Tokyo, Japan, and the videos of it vent viral on Twitter

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A few Twitter users had posted videos of the animal yawning, falling asleep and basically just doing cat things


The large screen is right next to the Shinjuku Building, which crosses an area of 154.7 square meters. High-quality technology is what attracts the passengers’ attention. Delivering 4K video and high-quality sound, the speaker mesmerizes pedestrians with the displayed image.

The giant lifelike “Shinjuku cat” is a 4K 3D moving image created by MicroAd Digital


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Although it was just a test for a further better result, the wholesome moments of this cat who was demonstrated among the big city were amazing. In case you’re living in Tokyo and you want to see our gigantic overlord melting people’s heart, the calico cat’s signage airs between 7am and 1am, with the videos change throughout the day.

To no one’s surprise, the adorable 3D cat went viral on the internet as people were quite fascinated by the unusual sight in the street


The epic kitty was co-created by MicroAd Digital Signage and Yunika Vision under a commission from Cross Space (owner of the building) with the aim of showing a future of possibilities. The interesting part is a cat can interact with people like a real cat since the company specialized the expressions and movements purrfectly.

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Due to a special curved 3D screen, the hyper-realistic installation can be seen at the east exit square of Shinjuku Station


The calico cat billboard airs between 7 a.m. and 1 a.m., as the video changes throughout the day


Here’s what the billboard looked like before the calico cat display appeared


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The 3D kitten has attracted a lot of attention online and people on Twitter were quick to comment on this


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