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Guy Wakes Up From A Nap To A Stray Kitten Sleeping On His Stomach, Decides To Keep It

All of us have never seen a real angel before, luckily, this guy has. Ali Safa who is living in Canberra, Australia shared an interesting moment when he woke up from a nap, and boom, a white kitty was already on his lap. A lovable feline never left Ali’s side from that day.

More info: Reddit (h/t: boredpanda)

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Ali Safa is a lone wolf, he is rarely in touch with his friends except for the closest ones, and especially, he never had any pets in his life.

“I was just checking my phone, nothing much really.” – he said he didn’t expect anything since he was enjoying the day and chilling on his chair, then he fell asleep.


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It was not until when he woke up, he realized there was a cat who was sleeping with him.

“At first, I thought it was a rat.” – Ali recalled.

“But by the time I realized she was a kitten, I didn’t care about whether she has fleas or not, because if she did I probably already got it, so whatever.”


He named the cat Angle, just like the way she fell from heaven to meet her newbie cat owner.

“She is the most fun cat I ever played with, and the most stubborn/attention-seeker as well. I legit don’t get to do one thing in the house without her roaming around me, and I’ve given up on training her to sleep in her little bed I bought and now we share our bed, and her little bed is just collecting dust in the corner of my room.”

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He took some pictures of Angel and posted them on Reddit, lots of people paid attention to this wholesome story and they also asked if the cat was doing well. So Ali updated about our Angel below.

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Ali was no longer alone anymore, he has his perfect Angel for life, they promise the Internet to live a happy life ever after.

People were incredibly happy to see the beginning of a new friendship

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