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Human Buys His Master Tiny Hammock So They Could Chill Together, Cat Approves It

Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most spoiled cat in the world? Yeap, definitely a Brazilian black kitty named Paçoca! She is such a laid-back critter who likes laying down, taking naps, and doing sweet nothing all day. And nothing couldn’t be better than having a company who likes to chillax like Paçoca, Ana Beatriz Pinho’s dad. Her father loves to sightseeing from his special hammock that’s hanging around in the balcony. One day, he surprised the kitty with a cat-sized pink hammock and guess what, he had her approval for the coolest hammock ever!

Once the cat owner shared on Twitter a few chilling photos of Paçoca the lazy cat and her father having a hammock date with the caption: “My God…My father bought a hammock for Paçoca just so she could lie by his side.”

This post has been retweeted a thousand times which encourages people who own a cat to get them a little gift just like how Pinho’s dad did. All cat deserve it indeed!

More info: Twitter (h/t: thedodo, boredpanda)

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Meet Paçoca, the lazy cat from Brazil who enjoys nothing more than spending her lazy days laying down


But owner Ana Beatriz Pinho was still surprised her dad bought the kitty her own mini hammock


“My God… My father bought a hammock for Paçoca just so she could lie by his side”


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The kitty approved it, and the hammock has become one of her favorite spots in the world to do sweet nothing




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