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Inseparable Cats Insist On Sleeping Together Even After Outgrowing Their Bed

We all know people fall in love easily with cute things, especially a lovely cat. But have you ever seen a couple of cats that never can be apart? Today, at Gidypet, we want to share with you the cutest photos of two felines that you have ever seen. Meet Lili (grey) and Renley (ginger), two cute kittens who can’t get enough of their favorite spot: a bed perched atop a cat condo.

This bed has been their favorite napping area since they were adopted. They’ve obviously outgrown their favourite cuddling bed as they’ve grown older, but that doesn’t stop them! They’ll still be able to squeeze in and cuddle. “Renley is typically the boss, so they snuggle when he wants to. He used to meow and look for Lili when he was a kid if she wasn’t in the same room,” the kittens’ owner said that. How adorable!

Let us know what is your favorite photo and comment to share your own if you also have a couple of cats that bring this big cuteness.

More info: Instagram (h/t: boredpanda)

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