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This Adorable Ginger Cat Sleeps All Day But Is Constantly Tired, And People Think It’s Absolutely Relatable (20 Pics)

Many of you, no sure, would say without hesitation that cats are your spirit animals—the critters slumber for more than half of their lives, which is rather astounding.

Meet Fat Xiang, your idol, if you’re a cat person who also sleeps a lot. Fat Xiang is a red tabby munchkin who has recently gained internet celebrity for his practically permanent state of sleep, which he achieves in delightful ways only cats can. Who knows when you sleep, you will be famous someday, right?

More info: Facebook (h/t: boredpanda)

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Meet Fat Xiang, the cat who loves sleep so much that he’s been dubbed “the sleepy influencer”


So, here is Fat Xiang (or Fat “Lucky Guy”—yes, that is the name given to him by his owner), the snoozing munchkin whose images have recently gone viral. Oh, don’t worry, he doesn’t only sleep; in fact, he sleeps a lot.

Fat Xiang was a stray red tabby munchkin who was picked up by his current owner, Jessie, a dentist from Taiwan who we reached out to for an interview in 2016. After a struggle with some other strays on the streets, he was discovered injured. Unfortunately, a brief trip to the vet revealed that Xiang had FIV, the feline counterpart of HIV.

“In 2016, I adopted Xiang. He was a stray cat who was well-liked by all of his neighbors. Unfortunately, he was frequently injured by other stray cats who fought with him, and he was small and weak to protect himself. As a result, I adopted him,” Jessie explained.

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Fat Xiang used to be a stray until he got picked up by his current owner back in 2016


“He looks so peaceful”


It was also revealed that Fat Xiang is a TNR cat, or a trap–neuter–return cat, in which cats are captured, neutered to manage cat populations and stop the spread of disease, and then released back into the wild.

Fat Xiang gave off the impression of being “not a very kissy cat,” one who kept to himself due to his frequent fights with other strays, according to his owner. But he turned out to be a cat who is unconcerned about anything. He stomps towards his owner on his cute tiny legs whenever he is called by his name.

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“He sleeps between 16 and 20 hours a day. I was concerned that he was ill, so I took him to the clinic,” Jessie explained. “Apart from his FIV, the vet checked his blood and X-ray and stated everything was normal. He thinks Xiang is sleeping a lot more now because he was so anxious on the street.”

He went on to say: “FIV makes Xiang susceptible to illnesses like the flu, rhinitis, and eye irritation. However, he continues to enjoy his life with Shuai and us. He’s usually fighting with Shuai, which is amusing because Xiang’s legs are shorter than Shuai’s.

Unfortunately, soon after finding a new home, Xiang was also diagnosed with FIV, or feline HIV


“I can even cut Xiang’s nails when he’s sleeping”


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He’s not genuinely overweight; he’s simply short. The fact that he’s a munchkin, as well as the way Xiang sleeps, creates an optical illusion that he’s a chonky cat when, in fact, he’s just a nice fluffy cat.

So, yes, he enjoys sleeping. Quite a bit. His preferred sleeping posture appears to be on his back, yet he has been known to sleep in other positions as well, such as on the side and on strange items. He appears to be able to sleep whenever and whenever he wants. He’s so drowsy, in fact, that he’s been dubbed “the sleepy influencer” on Facebook, where he has over 50,000 followers. Can you imagine that?

“Run! Xiang” is the name of their fan page, and I hope he is happy and energetic. Fans used to tease me about being a liar because Xiang was constantly napping [rather than running].”

He got his nickname, “the sleepy influencer”, because of the fact that he has 29,000 followers on Facebook


“I think he is having a good dream”


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Xiang now lives in Taiwan with his owner and another cat named Shuai (which means “handsome”). Shuai is another red tabby who came to live with us after his previous owner passed away two years ago. Though the transition was difficult for the two cats at first, they now get along swimmingly.

According to a post from 2019, the owner is frequently asked if they are worried of adopting and developing emotionally connected to cats with FIV and other risk factors (such as elderly age):

“I believe that life and death are normal in animals; they will all die eventually—but if we can provide them with a loving environment and allow them to leave us in that comfort, I can endure it.”

“The key difference between humans and other animals is that, whether it’s financial or emotional irritation, there will always be possibilities, choices, and things will gradually improve for us humans,” the post said. “The owner, on the other hand, is the animal’s entire world.”

The seemingly chonky red tabby munchkin looks like he could sleep anywhere and through anything


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“Hey, what’s up?”


Oh, and here’s him snoring in the most adorable way

週一早上出門上班前,一塊雞排擋在門口 擋在門口就算了,還給我打呼成這樣! 我要報警拖吊了喔! 「喂~老闆嗎?我要請假⋯上班途中出了一點意外被擋住了」 #害我多花五分鐘拍照差點遲到 #大家一起譴責路霸 #有養貓的人應該提早十分鐘起床 #留言有炸蝦照 #年曆預購明天截止 | By 奔跑吧肥祥Facebook

週一早上出門上班前,一塊雞排擋在門口 擋在門口就算了,還給我打呼成這樣! 我要報警拖吊了喔! 「喂~老闆嗎?我要請假⋯上班途中出了一點意外被擋住了」 #害我多花五分鐘拍照差點遲到 #大家一起譴責路霸 #有養貓的人應該提早十分鐘起床 #留言有炸蝦照 #年曆預購明天截止

On Fat Xiang’s Facebook page, you can see even more cute images and videos. But, before you leave, tell us what you think in the comments area below.

Check out some more sleepy Fat Xiang goodness in photo form below


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