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Vegan Stepdaughter Makes A Scene After Parents Refuse To Change Their Cat’s Diet To Vegan

In the last decade, as more individuals throughout the world have adopted healthier and more conscientious lifestyle choices, the vegan diet has become a popular option for many. What happens, though, when some people impose their particular preferences on others? This tale on r/AITA might provide some insight.

It comes from a disgruntled author whose vegan stepdaughter, an educated young professional living with her parents to save money, has been railing against their parents’ way of life.

Above all, the stepdaughter despises her parents for feeding their cat Mango “regular cat food.” She became physically ill at the sight of meat and dry biscuits, and she lost a lot of weight as a result.

The parents, on the other hand, have flatly refused to modify Mango’s diet to a vegan one, and the tension in that family, as you can guess, is at an all-time high. Let’s have a look at the complete story below, and don’t forget to leave your thoughts on the matter in the comments!

More info: Reddit (h/t: boredpanda)

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Following her vegan stepdaughter’s claim that witnessing her parents’ cat Mango eat meat makes her physically sick, the family crisis erupted


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The question of whether cats, like their owners, should eat a vegan diet is still being debated. So, to find out what an expert had to say about it, we spoke with Molly DeVoss, the owner of Cat Behavior Solutions, a certified feline training and behavior specialist.

“I understand a vegan wanting to feed their cats the same food because they care about animal welfare—I do, too,” she said, adding, “But our nutritional demands are vastly different from felines’.” Cats are obligate carnivores, while humans are omnivores.”

As a result, “cats demand a fully meat-based diet,” according to Molly. “Other obligate carnivore species include dolphins, seals, eagles, and walruses,” says the author. Furthermore, meat provides necessary fatty acids that are not present in plants, according to Molly.

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“You could add supplements to the vegetarian diet to make up for the nutrients you’re losing, but many of them aren’t bioavailable to cats. Your dog can definitely manage on a vegan diet with extra supplements to boost the proteins and critical fatty acids because dogs are omnivores, meaning they acquire nutrients from both plant and animal sources.

“I, personally, would never eat rabbit and it is extremely tough knowing so many bunnies have met their end to feed my cat; yet, I also know my cat cannot flourish on a counter-species diet,” Molly said.

“Another reason a plant-based diet is difficult for cats is their short cecum. The cecum is a small organ that sits at the start of the big intestine. The cecum of felines is very tiny, making plant materials digestion and absorption difficult.”

Molly concluded, “Contrast that to the cecum of a rabbit (an herbivore), which is big and includes microbes that aid in the digestion of plant stuff.”

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And this is what people had to comment on this whole situation

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