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Woman Finds Her Cat On Facebook 2 Years After He Went Missing

No one can deny the power of social media, the Zelitsky family knows it best. A long time ago, their senior tabby cat went missing. Regardless of a lot of effort and hope, the cat was not to be found. After 2 and a half years, there was a photo of a kitty on Facebook who appeared to be exactly like the family’s long-lost one. The tearful and fateful reunion was at the West Milford Animal Shelter, where the cat kept head-butting his owners in happiness. This uncanny story has encouraged so many cat owners who have lost their beloved kitties to be more positive yet careful.

More info: Facebook (h/t: iheartcats)

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The family adopted Jimmy when he was only 6 weeks old. He became more like a dog when he grew up. He liked to venture and sneak into the parked cars to hitch a ride out of the suburbs of New York City. Susan Zelitsky and her husband, Bob Zelitsky enjoyed letting Jimmy lay on their lap, watching the passersby visit the calm and brave cat. Jimmy also got along with the pooches in the house well, he would go for a walk with them outside.

“He would go to the front door like a dog when he had to go to the bathroom, but he would always come back and meow at the door to come in.” – Said Susan.

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A senior cat went missing in September 2014, when his owner Bob let him go outside. The family thought Jimmy would come back as usual, but after a night, no cat had returned. They were worried sick about the cat who was bonded with them for so long. They started to hang the posters and contact the police departments in town, hoping the kitty would be found as soon as possible. Unfortunately, luck didn’t come to the Zelitsky family. There was no sign of the missing cat, even though Susan tried her best to call out for Jimmy everywhere she was outside.

“Not only me, but my kids and husband, too.” – She said.

“If I saw a cat that looked the same, I would wonder.” – She continued.

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They assumed that Jimmy was gone on that fateful night. Many tears were streaming down their faces throughout those months with hopelessness and heartbreak. Two and a half years were passed, no one in the family could barely believe a miracle happened. All of the sudden, one of Susan’s friends shared a picture of a missing cat from the West Milford Animal Shelter Facebook page.

“I looked at it and thought how much he looked like Jimmy.” – Zelitsky said.


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To gamble the luck, Susan went to the shelter with her neighbor Dayna Devine, who originally gave her the cat. The woman had faith in her gut feelings because she had been raising Jimmy for more than 10 years. And, of course, she knew Jimmy’s personal preferences, so Susan brought along a pillowcase and dog toy which Jimmy used to play with when he was with the family.


“When they opened the crate door, I said, ‘Jimmy is that you, bud?’ and he walked over and head-butted me and smooshed his nose into the dog’s toy.” – Susan recounted.

“I immediately started to sob. He started to rub up against us, and when I was rubbing his belly he nipped me, which he always did. He put his head in Dayna’s hands and he started to purr loudly.” – She continued.

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Susan was confident to assume that was her long-lost kitty that the family had been searching for. She called her husband Bob to come to the shelter. Jimmy recognized his loving owner so he did the same head-butt with Susan’s husband. Eventually, it was said that Jimmy had been found during the blizzard in the High Crest section of West Milford in March. The shelter’s Real Cats at the West Milford Animal Shelter Society had rescued him and they started to post a missing cat on social media within 10 miles.


“If it wasn’t for the wonderful people at WMASS, we would have never had this happy reunion.” – Susan burst into tears.


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The unusual reunion reminds cat owners that should microchip and use trail cams for assistance in locating them. A microchip can have all the information of a cat so it’s easier to find them in case they are lost. Now, Jimmy is living with his other two cats happily in the family. May this heartwarming story brighten up your day and hope!



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