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30 Cat Facts That Show How Ridiculously Cool Our Feline Friends Are

Cats are great, yet mysterious creatures as they have the power to take your attention away from whatever activity you’re working on. But what is it about them that makes them so great and unique? It’s all about their self-assured and warm nature. Maybe it’s because of the way they purr on our laps.

When it comes to loving a kitty, any explanation will suffice, especially if we’re talking about our own. But we will let you pass, cause being obsessed with your cats is totally normal!

Gidypet has compiled a list of 30 amazing facts about one of humanity’s all-time favorite pets, scroll down below and see if you can learn anything new about them!

(h/t: brightside)

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#-1 Cats can make over 100 different vocal sounds

Dogs, on the other hand, can only make ten. It's difficult to find someone who hasn't heard a cat's meows and purrs, snorts, frantic sounds, and little squeaks when they want or need something. They have a crackling sound when they notice prey in the distance, as well as a howl that they utilize on any occasion. Yes, your cat is more vocal than you thought, but they just choose not to communicate.

#-1 They’re able to recognize the voice of their owners

Cats can tell the difference between strangers' voices and their owner's voices. 

Yes, your cat is more vocal than you thought, and they can also recognize your voice, but they just choose not to care.

#-1 Despite the fact that black cats are associated with misfortune in many cultures, they are far more affectionate than other cats

In the Midlands of England, black cats are a popular wedding present. Giving a couple a black cat on their wedding day is believed to bring them good luck in their marriage. It's also believed that newlyweds who have a black cat in their home will have a long and happy marriage and that the black cat will protect them from evil spirits. In France, having a cat of that hue is thought to bring good fortune. Having a black cat in Japan and other Asian countries makes you the master of your own fate.

#-1 Félicette (or “Astrocat”), the first and only cat to travel to space, was a French cat

Félicette was one of 14 female cats who were trained for spaceflight. The cats' brain activity was tracked throughout the trip thanks to electrodes implanted in their skulls. The spacecraft launched in 1963 and traveled all the way to the farthest reaches of the universe. Fortunately, the cat returned safely from his journey.

#-1 They have more sensitive hearing than humans and dogs

On the low end of the scale, humans and cats have similar hearing ranges, but cats can hear considerably higher-pitched noises, up to 64 kHz, which is 1.6 octaves higher than a human's range (20Hz - 20kHz) and even 1 octave higher than a dog's range (40Hz).

#-1 They run very fast

Cats may attain a super-speed of 50 km per hour in addition to their super hearing. Compare that to Usain Bolt, who runs at 45 kilometers per hour, so we can fairly say that most cats in the world can run faster than the world's fastest man! Cats' legs are very muscular. Their spines are also incredibly flexible, arching and straightening when they run, giving them a huge stride and the ability to sprint at necessary times. 

#-1 Purring is one of the most basic things cats do

We love all the purring moments of our cats since purring is a sign of trust and relaxation that cats show to whoever they love. Scientists, on the other hand, are still baffled to know how this works. The majority of vets believe it is caused by a significant vibration of the vocal cords. At a pace of 25 times per second, a muscle in the larynx opens and closes the airway.

#-1 Cats usually have 1 to 9 cubs in a litter

A mother cat's birth normally takes six hours to complete after the second stage begins, but it can take up to 12 hours. A litter can have anywhere from 1 to 9 kittens, with the most frequent number being 4 to 6. First-time mother felines usually have a small litter. A Burmese-Siamese cat in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, gave birth to 19 kittens in 1970, 15 of which survived. She now holds a Guinness World Record for this feat!

#-1 Cats have an unique way of tell you who’s the boss in the area

They're trying to show you who's the boss by leaving their feces open, especially if there are other cats in the house. This is a habit from their wild predecessors, who used it to mark their territory and establish their dominance over others. The impulse to control all of your movements is another "symptom" that suggests who is in command.

#-1 The brain of a cat is much more like a human’s brain than a dog’s

Cats' brains, believe it or not, have a 90% similarity to human brains. They have a surface fold and structure just like ours. Their regions to process emotions is also similar to ours.

#-1 The first cat, or a prehistoric relative of it, lived 30 million years ago on Earth

Proailurus lemanensis is its scientific name, which means "first feline" in Greek. The domestic cat family first appeared 12 million years ago.

#-1 The Siberian tiger is the world’s largest wild feline

The Siberian tiger, a sub-species of tiger, can mature up to 3.7m long and weigh 318kg. That's almost the same size as a little automobile! The Maine Coon, with a maximum weight of 11 kg, is the largest feline pedigree. It is two times larger than the ordinary cat.

#-1 Cats hate water

There are only a few cats in the world that wouldn't resist a bath since their fur was not designed to effectively shield them from it. However, there is a breed of cat from Turkey, known as the Turkish Van that adores swimming. It has a unique texture on its coat that makes it water-resistant. The Maine Coon species are also known for being "friendly" with water!

#-1 The oldest cat breed is the Egyptian Mau

Their predecessors roamed the earth around 4,000 years ago. If you ever have the chance to visit Egypt, you should know that the term "cat" is pronounced "mau," not "meow"! Egyptian Maus are a short-haired cat breed that ranges in size from tiny to medium. They are one of the few domesticated cat breeds that are naturally spotted.

#-1 Some people love cats so much that they can’t get enough

Cats must have been the first commercially made clones for this reason. We're talking about Little Nicky, a cat whose owner paid $50,000 for the procedure.

#-1 A group of cats is not actually… “cats”

In English, there’s a special word to refer to a group of cats known as a “clowder”.

#-1 They can find their way home even from a very far distance

We've all heard stories about cats locating their owners even when they're thousands of miles away. Psychic travel is the name given to this ability. It's thought that these creatures have specific magnetic cells in their brains that act as internal compasses, or that they can navigate using sunlight angles.

#-1 They don’t meow at each other

In fact, they can purr, growl, and hiss at other cats but only meow at people, which makes meowing a unique vocalization. Kittens meow to let their mothers know they're cold or hungry, but cats no longer meow to other cats as they get older. To some extent, all cats will meow because it's natural for them to communicate.

#-1 They can manipulate humans

There is no doubt about this fact because we can't ever resist those bigs eyes, perky ears, cute pink nose, beautiful fur, and so many more cute features!

#-1 Cats looks fluffy because of their coat

The fact that your kitty's fur contains more than one layer is the major reason it is so soft to the touch. Most cats have an undercoat, also known as down hair, that is considerably shorter and fluffier and helps keep them warm in the winter. They also have approximately 20,000 hairs per square centimeter.

#-1 Paw choice

Just like humans, cats can be right or left-handed, and scientists have also found out this cool fact is somewhat related to gender. Most female cats are right-handed while males are usually left-handed.

#-1 The most successful mice hunter

Towser was a heroic feline from Scotland who bravely guarded barley stocks against mice. Towser caught almost 30,000 mice, and when she died, a bronze memorial statue was erected in her honor.

#-1 Rapid heart

A cat's heart beats twice as quickly as a human's, ranging between 110 and 140 beats per minute. If your cat's heart rate continually surpasses 220 beats per minute and does not slow down as your cat relaxes, it could be a sign of heart disease, so make sure to check their heart rates frequently!

#-1 Super sensitive

When it comes to detecting vibrations, cats are extremely sensitive. Some of them have the ability to detect earthquakes 10 to 15 minutes before humans do.

#-1 Temperature can affect a cat’s color

This was discovered in Siamese cats in the 1930s. When the temperature climbs above 96.8°F (36°C), this breed's albino genes work their magic. Their legs, tails, ears, and face (the body's extremities) are frequently dark, while the remainder of their fur is creamy white. Himalayan cats and other Eastern breeds are also affected.

#-1 Felix the cat was the first cat to feature in a cartoon in 1919

Felix the Cat was the first cartoon cat, it was produced in 1919. Tom, the most famous cartoon cat, rose to fame thanks to a short film called Puss Gets the Boot, which was released 21 years later. In 1981, Cats, the greatest feline musical of all time, debuted in London.

#-1 A true traveler

Hamlet, a genuine traveler, was a kitten who escaped from his cage in the air and spent 7 weeks aboard an airplane, covering about 600,000 kilometers.

#-1 A millionaire cat

Tommaso was a stray cat that begged for food on the streets of Rome until he met Maria Assunta, his future owner. The woman, who had no children, felt that Tommaso deserved to inherit her 13-million-dollar heirdom because of all the love she received from the cat. Because it was difficult to entrust all of this to a cat, Maria entrusted the wealth of the cat to her caregiver.

#-1 Milk can be bad for cats

You're mistaken if you think milk is the best reward you can give your cat because it's a natural product. Felines, like most adult mammals, cats are lactose intolerant because they lack the enzyme (lactase) in their intestines to digest the sugar in milk (lactose), lactose-containing milk can make them sick. Drinking it might cause vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain (just like lactose intolerance in humans). Did you know these interesting facts about cats? Do you have any other suggestions? We'd love to hear about them in the comments!


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