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30+ People Share How They Accidentally Conditioned Their Pets To Learn Unusual Skills Or Habits


"Rather of drinking from a bowl, my cat drinks from a glass on my nightstand. She had some major tooth difficulties a few years ago (which have since been resolved), and she was hesitant to eat and drink. She had always begged to drink from the water cup I kept for me, and at the time, all I wanted was for her to drink anything, so I gave in. That was my mistake, and now she only drinks from cups and refuses to drink from a bowl on the ground. To this day, she has a permanent cup on my bedside. Oh well, at the very least it makes it easy for me to keep track of her water consumption."


"My father used to give her the last bite of his breakfast sandwich every morning when she was a puppy, so she learned to sit next to whoever was at the head of the table eating at 8 a.m. My father died of brain cancer a few years ago, so I feel horrible seeing her sit there waiting for a lunch that never arrives."


"My kitten will aggressively headbutt my face every night before bed, for top-of-head kisses before she goes to sleep."


"'Stop stuffing your face with food!'

He has floppy jowls that get stuck in his teeth from time to time. When this happened, I would just respond, 'Dude, quit eating your face.' I would pat him on the head and tell him he was a good boy if he just happened to lick his teeth and spring it lose. He's never had any formal training, but now that he's older, he's completely responsive when I tell him something. He'll clench his teeth and walk over to the celebratory head pats."


"The budgie's broken leg was in a splint. He'd use just his beak and one good leg to climb to the top of his cage, then let go of his beak and dangle by one leg, staring at me. He knew I'd put my hand in there and he'd just fall off into it. Because I was the only one who would stick my hand in, he only did it when I was around."


"Every night, my cat comes over for the remaining remnants of my yogurt. She can detect how much there is left by the sound my spoon makes, i.e. when it's worth it to run on to me, from another room.

Except for returning from outside when you imitated loud eating sounds, our dog never learned any commands."


"I used to work from home and spent a lot of time on the phone. My dog would always bark when I started talking to someone, so I'd give her the treat to get her to stop barking. This led to her following me around and barking whenever I put on my headset.

Even though I no longer work for that company, I stored the headset on a shelf. When she wants goodies, she now walks over to it, barks at it, and then turns to face me."


"If he hears me talking on the phone with my sister, it's time for a walk. When I take him out, we normally talk, and he is well aware of this.

I'm also wearing outside clothes and putting on makeup, which suggests I'm probably going out without him. If I bring my backpack, I won't be back until after work (which he appreciates because it hasn't happened in a long time)."


"She leaps up and starts rushing around the room when she hears the Windows 7 sonata log-off sound, because I usually lock my computer before leaving. And when I leave, she generally goes to daycare (which is my mother's place).

Even though I've been using Windows 10 for about 3,5 years, she still reacts when I play the sound on YouTube."


"My dog understands that 'skooch' means 'get on his side of the bed.'

Ex's side of the bed became the dog's side of the bed once my ex-husband left. When I said 'skooch,' the dog would jump off the bed as well, and then want to be let back upon it. He eventually realized that 'skooch' isn't the same as 'off,' and that he only needs to get out of my side of the bed."


"I know somebody whose dog runs when he points his ass at it. Apparently he blasted it once with a heinous fart and it remembers."



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